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Cleator Moor is a town in West Cumbria, UK, born from the ancient village of Cleator. The town grew across moorland, out of industry, enterprise and geographical advantages. Rich haematite iron ore of the district, and the proximity of the parish to coastal shipping, and new railway system, account for a rapid transformation.

In the beginning, the moorland of Cleator was barren with a few farms tending a stark land. In the 17th Century, Iron Ore was first extracted from beneath the ground. In the 18th and 19th Century mining expanded with Iron Ore being a vital ingredient for the Industrial Revolution, modernising industry.

The town had several iron ore mines and excessive mining caused subsidence. Some parts of the town have been demolished due to undermining in the area, most notably the original Montreal Primary School and the whole of Montreal Street on which it stood.

The town's skyline is dominated by Dent Fell and the town is located on the 190 miles (310 km) Coast to Coast Walk that spans Northern England. The Sea to Sea (C2C) cycle network also passes through Cleator Moor via a disused railway which is now part of the National Cycle Network.

On the outskirts of the town of Cleator Moor lies the village of Cleator with which the town is closely associated. As a settlement of note, it was substantially populated by immigrants from the North Eastern counties of Ireland in the latter half of the nineteenth century, leading to the colloquial title of Little Ireland.

South from Cleator, is Longlands Lake, a former iron ore mine which is now a local beauty spot and haven for wildlife. Longlands Lake nature reserve is on the site of the former Longlands iron ore mine that first produced ore in 1879 from four pits. By 1924 the mines had been abandoned. In 1939 the mines started to subside and flood the area creating Longlands Lake. Longlands was acquired by Cumbria County Council in 1980.

Cleator Moor has a few distinct communities which have emerged as the town has grown; such as Mill Hill, Bowthorn and Wath Brow.

The population of Cleator Moor is estimated at 330 in 1688; it then doubled from 362 in 1801 to over 763 by 1841; then surged across the second half of the 19th century as result of industrial development. The new town of Cleator Moor was laid out on former Common land from the 1880s. By 1861 the population stood at 3,995; it peaked at 10,420 in 1881. It then declined, to 8,120 by 1901 and to low point of 6,411 in 1951, after which it rose to 7,686 by 1971; today, the population stands at around 7,000.

Historically in Cumberland, the town was based around the iron works industry and was served in this capacity by two railways. The Whitehaven, Cleator and Egremont Railway (WC&ER) was the first railway on the scene and it opened for goods traffic in 1855, then two years later it opened for passenger traffic. The WC&ER sold out to the London and North Western Railway in 1878 but when the Furness Railway objected to the sale it too became a partner, thus forming the Furness & London and North Western Joint Railway the following year. The second railway to serve Cleator Moor was the Cleator & Workington Junction Railway. This new company had a station on the western edge of the town and its double track main line made a junction with the former company at Cleator Moor West Junction.

The town had several iron ore mines and excessive mining caused subsidence. Some parts of the town have been demolished due to undermining in the area, most notably the original Montreal Primary School and the whole of Montreal Street on which it stood.

The Whitehaven, Cleator and Egremont Railway suffered from subsidence which forced it to build two deviation branch lines and stations. In Cleator Moor itself a new line was built curving further northwest than the original, with a new station being opened in 1866 some 600 yards further west along Leconfield Street than the original, which became a goods station. The new station was known simply as Cleator Moor, but was renamed Cleator Moor East in 1924.

Subsidence also necessitated a deviation at Eskett. As in Cleator Moor itself, a new line was built to the west of the original Eskett station which was retained as a goods station up to 1931. Yeathouse station was opened on the deviation line as a replacement.

The influx of Irish workers gave the town the nickname Little Ireland. World War I and World War II saw a fresh influx of immigrants from mainland Europe to join the settled Irish community.

In 1938, Jakob Spreiregen founded the company Kangol in Cleator, situated across the road from St Mary's Church. The original factory building still stands but empty, since the company ended its association with the town in 2009.

With the decline of traditional industries and the resulting high rate of unemployment, the town's economy is now dependent on the nearby Sellafield complex, which provides jobs to around half the town's people.

From 1879 Cleator Moor had two railway stations: Cleator Moor West on the Cleator and Workington Junction Railway and Cleator Moor East on the Whitehaven, Cleator and Egremont Railway. In 1923 both railway companies and their stations passed over to the London Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS). The LMS had acquired shares in the local bus company so to make public transport more lucrative the LMS closed both stations to passengers in 1931.

Cleator Moor West railway station was opened as "Cleator Moor" by the Cleator and Workington Junction Railway (C&WJR) in 1879. The line was one of the fruits of the rapid industrialisation of West Cumberland in the second half of the nineteenth century, being specifically borne as a reaction to oligopolistic behaviour by the London and North Western and Whitehaven, Cleator and Egremont Railways. The station was on the company's main line from Moor Row to Workington Central. Both line and station opened to passengers on 1 October 1879.

The station was renamed "Cleator Moor West" on 2 June 1924 to avoid confusion with its neighbour on the former Whitehaven, Cleator and Egremont Railway line to Rowrah, which was renamed "Cleator Moor East".

All lines in the area were primarily aimed at mineral traffic, notably iron ore, coal and limestone, none more so than the new line to Workington, which earned the local name "The Track of the Ironmasters". General goods and passenger services were provided, but were very small beer compared with mineral traffic.

Passenger trains consisted of antiquated Furness stock hauled largely by elderly Furness engines referred to as "...rolling ruins..." by one author after a footplate ride in 1949. No Sunday passenger service was ever provided on the line.

Cleator Moor West closed on 13 April 1931 when normal passenger traffic ended along the line. Diversions and specials, for example to football matches, made use of the line, but it was not easy to use as a through north-south route because all such trains would have to reverse at Moor Row or Corkickle.

An enthusiasts' special ran through on 6 September 1954, the only to do so using main line passenger stock. The next such train to traverse any C&WJR metals did so in 1966 at the north end of the line, three years after the line through Cleator Moor closed.

By 1981 the station had been demolished and the cutting had largely been filled in. By 2008 the trackbed had become a public cycleway.

Cleator Moor East railway station was the second station built by the Whitehaven, Cleator and Egremont Railway. The line was one of the fruits of the rapid industrialisation of West Cumberland in the second half of the nineteenth century. 

Subsidence led the company to build a deviation line which curved round the west side of the original station and the growing settlement, in a similar manner to what it was forced to do at Eskett a few miles to the east. They built a passenger station on the deviation line - known locally as "The Bowthorn Line" - which would go on to be called Cleator Moor East.

When the deviation line and station opened in 1866 the original station was closed to passengers and became "Cleator Moor Goods Depot." It remained open for goods traffic until the 1950s.

The station closed on 13 April 1931 when normal passenger traffic ended along the line, though workmen's trains were reinstated in March 1940, only to be withdrawn a month later. An enthusiasts' special ran through on 5 September 1954. After scant occasional use the line northwards from Rowrah was abandoned in 1960 and subsequently lifted.

The line southwards from Rowrah through Cleator Moor East lead a charmed life, continuing with a limestone flow from a quarry at Rowrah until 1978, after which all traffic ceased and the tracks were lifted.

Keekle Viaduct
The viaduct is a substantial structure which carried the double-track C&WJR's Cleator Moor West to Siddick Junction via Workington Central main line over the River Keekle. It is situated between the former stations of Cleator Moor West and Keekle Colliers' Platform.

Opened in 1879, it consists of seven equal stone arches across the river. Timetabled passenger services over the viaduct ended on 13 April 1931. Goods and mineral trains, with very occasional passenger excursions and diversions continued to use the line until it closed completely on 16 September 1963.

The tracks were subsequently lifted. The structure was offered for sale for £1 in 1992, but there was no initial response, as any purchaser would have to maintain and repair it, rather than demolish it and recover the stone.

Sectarian troubles (19th century)
It may be that the Irish Famine prompted some increased migration to the town but links between West Cumbria and the northern counties of Ireland had been established before this time. Labourers crossed to work the harvest and, more permanently, take jobs in the mines and ports long before the Famine often prompted by the constant sub-division of farmland among children. From the 1850s to the 1880s, the population expanded rapidly as rich veins of haematite were exploited. From a settlement of 763 in 1841, Cleator Moor grew to house 10,420 souls by 1871, thirty-six percent of whom were Irish. As Donald MacRaild writes, "...formative economic developments, urban growth and the mass arrival of the Irish, took place entirely in years beyond the Famine." The Irish in Cleator Moor were predominantly Roman Catholic but the general influx into the mines and industry of West Cumbria also brought others of a different persuasion from the same country and with them a particular sectarianism to add to the anti-Catholicism of Victorian England.

During the late 1860s the Irish Protestant preacher William Murphy led anti-Catholic meetings throughout the country inciting mobs to attack Catholic targets. Near Chelmsford in Essex they burnt down a Catholic convent. In May 1868, two chapels a school and over one hundred houses and shops in Ashton-under-Lyme were ransacked. This led to the Catholic populations defending themselves and their buildings and when Murphy visited Whitehaven in April 1871, the Catholic iron ore miners of Cleator Moor were determined to confront him. The local authorities requested Murphy and his Orange Order backers to cancel his talks but they would not. He was heckled and threatened at the first meeting in the Oddfellows Hall, Whitehaven and eventually had to be escorted from the place. The following evening there was more concerted opposition as 200 - 300 Cleator Moor miners marched to the Hall and assaulted Murphy before the meeting began. Five men were sentenced for the attack. Murphy died in March 1872 and his death was attributed to the injuries he had received in Whitehaven. Disturbances in the area were regular during the years that followed particularly when Orangemen assembled on 12 July and on that date in 1884, the most serious of them occurred. That was the year the local Orange Lodges decided to hold their annual gathering at Cleator Moor, a deliberately provocative move: "as if to court disturbance the Orangemen... decided they would this year hold their annual demonstration in the stronghold of the enemy". The marchers including eight bands paraded past the Catholic church and held their assembly at Wath Brow. As the gathering broke up and the Orangemen made their way back to the train station, trouble broke out. They were attacked by groups of local men throwing stones and then rushing them. Some of the marchers carried revolvers, cutlasses and pikes which they now used. A local postal messenger, Henry Tumelty, a 19-year-old Catholic was shot in the head and killed while others were listed as having received injuries from these weapons. The local Catholic priests defended their parishioners saying they had been provoked beyond measure by the foul sectarian tunes and the weaponry. Fr. Wray expressed serious regret: "It has thrown us back at least twenty years."

Cleator Moor has a Carnegie library, a grade II listed building which opened in 1906.

The town had two secondary schools but both have closed. St. Cuthbert's stopped functioning in 1977 and in August 2008, after being open for 50 years, the town's other secondary school, Ehenside School was merged with Wyndham School in Egremont, making way for the West Lakes Academy. The academy initially used the Wyndham School buildings until a new academy building was constructed.

Listed Buildings
Cleator Moor contains 15 listed buildings that are recorded in the National Heritage List for England. All the listed buildings are designated at Grade II, the lowest of the three grades, which is applied to buildings of national importance and special interest. The listed buildings include churches and associated structures, houses and associated structures, shops, a bank, civic buildings including offices and a library, and a memorial fountain.

St Leonard's Church
12th century - The nave was rebuilt in 1841–42 by George Webster, and further alterations were carried out in 1900–03 by J. H. Martindale. The chancel is Norman and built in large blocks of sandstone and has pilaster buttresses, the rest of the church is in rubble with stepped buttresses and castellated parapets, and the roofs are slated with coped gables and apex crosses. The church consists of a west baptistry, a nave with a north porch, and a chancel with a vestry. At the west end, over the porch, is a gabled double bellcote

Old Hall and wall
Late 17th century - Originally a hall, later altered, extended and subdivided to form a symmetrical group of nine houses. They are rendered, most with slate roofs. The central house, originally the hall, has three storeys, three bays, a rear wing, and a porch. It is flanked by two-storey two-bay houses, each with a bracketed cornice, and one with a porch. The outer houses project forward, they have two storeys and three bays, the central bay projecting forward and gabled. Most windows are sashes. Along the front of the houses is a wall of sandstone and boulders, with semicircular coping, and pair of monolithic gate posts.

Troughton House
Late 18th or early 19th century - A stuccoed house on a moulded plinth with corner pilasters, an eaves string course, and a slate roof with coped gables. There are two storeys, an L-shaped plan, a symmetrical front of three bays, and a recessed two-bay wing to the right. Steps lead up to the doorway that has a rectangular fanlight, an architrave, and a cornice. The windows are sashes in stone surrounds, and in the wing is a porch.

The Flosh
1832 - Originally a country house, later used as offices, then a hotel. It was enlarged in 1837, and in 1866 a wing in Elizabethan style was added to the south. The building is roughcast with sandstone dressings on a chamfered plinth, with a string course and a Welsh slate roof. There are two storeys and a south front of seven bays. On the south front is a castellated porch with gargoyles in the corners, and gables with decorative bargeboards. The east front has four bays and two gabled dormers. The windows are mullioned or mullioned and transomed.

5 Jacktrees Road and verandah
1856 - The verandah was added to the former Cooperative shop in 1876. The building is in rendered rubble and has a Welsh slate roof with coping at the south end. There are three storeys and 13 bays. In the ground floor is a 20th-century shop front with original fluted and panelled pilasters. In the upper floors are sash windows with stone surrounds. The cast iron verandah rests on a cornice above the shop front; it is glazed and carried on 13 Gothic columns with pierced spandrels.

St John's Church
1870–72 - The church was designed by C. J. Ferguson in Norman style, and restored in 1900. It is in sandstone with quoins and buttresses, and has a slate roof with coped gables. The church consists of a nave with a clerestory, aisles, a chancel with chapels, and a west tower. The tower has three stages, and there is a stair turret to the south. All the windows have round arches and hood moulds.

St Mary's Church
1872 - A Roman Catholic church by E. W. Pugin, it is in sandstone with slate roofs. The church consists of a nave and chancel under one roof, a clerestory, transepts, and a chancel with chapels. The entrance front has a single-storey porch with a lean-to roof, a central doorway and flanking lancet windows. Above the porch are three tall lancets, and an elaborate bellcote. This contains three lancet niches, two circular niches with statues, and a bell in an arched opening.

13–20 High Street and 1 Union Street
Late 19th century - A row of eight shops, stuccoed, with a cornice over the shop fronts, a string course, an eaves cornice, and a hipped Welsh slate roof. There are three storeys and each shop has two bays. In the ground floor are 20th-century shop fronts, the shops separated by panelled pilasters with acanthus capitals. Above the windows in the middle floor are pediments, triangular and segmental alternating in pairs, and the top floor windows have stuccoed surrounds. The Union Street front has four bays and contains a doorway and a decorative panel.

National Westminster Bank
Late 19th century - The bank is in stone on a chamfered plinth, with a string course, an egg and dart cornice, an eaves cornice, and a slate roof with moulded gables surmounted by finials and containing dormers. There are two storeys, an attic, and five bays. The central doorway has an architrave and a serpentine head. The ground floor windows and dormers also have serpentine heads, and between some ground floor windows are engaged Ionic columns. Also on the front are polygonal pilasters.

Local Government Offices
1879 - These comprise two buildings of similar design at right angles to each other. The older contains offices and a market hall, and the other smaller building of 1894 originated as a library. They are in sandstone with hipped slate roofs. Each has a symmetrical front of a single tall storey and five bays, and a central portico with granite columns and a pediment. Steps lead up to the doors that have architraves and semicircular fanlights. The windows are sashes in architraves.

Memorial fountain
1903 - The fountain is in polished grey and pink granite. It has three steps, a moulded plinth, a squat inscribed drum, and a large bowl. From this a column rises and carries a smaller bowl. It was originally surmounted by a pelican, but this is missing.

Lych gate and walls, St Leonard's Church
c. 1903 - Designed by J. H. Martindale, the walls and the plinths of the lych gate are in sandstone. On the plinths is a wooden braced superstructure carrying a slate roof with gablets. On each side the walls, which are about 3 feet (0.91 m) high, form quadrants that are ramped at the ends. On the walls are wrought iron scrolled railings 18 inches (460 mm) high, and on the ends are cast iron lamp supports.

1906 - The library is in sandstone on a chamfered plinth, and has a hipped Welsh slate roof. The symmetrical front has a single tall storey and five bays. The doorway is flanked by granite columns and has a pediment and an inscribed frieze; the door has an architrave and a semicircular fanlight with a mullioned window above. The windows are mullioned and transomed in architraves, and are separated by pilasters.

Cleator war memorial
1922 - The war memorial is in a walled enclosure by the side of the road. It is in grey granite, and consists of an urn with a floral swag on a three-tier pedestal with rosettes and egg and dart moulding on the cornice. This stands on a plinth with a moulded foot on a three-tiered base. On the plinth are stone plaques with inscriptions and the names of those lost in the two World Wars. The enclosure has sandstone walls with embattled coping, decorative iron railings, and a gate.

Cleator Moor war memorial
1922 - The war memorial is in the churchyard of St John's Church. It is in pink granite, and consists of a Celtic cross on a tapering shaft, which stands on a tapering four-sided plinth on one step. On the head of the cross is carved knot work, and on the lower part of the shaft and on the plinth are inscriptions and the names of those lost in the First World War. At the foot of the cross is a tablet with an inscription relating to the Second World War, and the memorial is surrounded by a low wall and eight square posts.

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Business Directory

Finding information for local businesses can be fraught with difficulty. Little Ireland has done the hard work for you, and listed Cleator Moor businesses all in one place.
  • If you are a local business and would like added to this list, please get in touch.
Travis Perkins
Leconfield Industrial Estate
CA25 5QB Cleator Moor
01946 811553

William King Construction
Phoenix House, Jacktrees Road
CA25 5BD Cleator Moor
01946 448123

Parkside Hotel
Parkside Rd
CA25 5HF Cleator Moor PARKSIDE
01946 811001

Marmaris Star
82 High St
CA255BL Cleator Moor

Graphskill Ltd
Birks Road
CA25 5HU Cleator Moor
01946 811748
Cumberland Building Society
52 High Street
CA25 5AA Cleator Moor
01228 403141

Leconfield St
CA25 5QG Cleator Moor
01946 810431

Cleator Moor Nursery School
Ennerdale Road
CA25 5LW Cleator Moor
01946 811189

AS Design
Brewery Yard Ind Est, Birks Road
CA25 5HU Cleator Moor
01946 811000
8 High Street
CA25 5AH Cleator Moor
01946 328060
Unit 18, Leconfield Ind Est
CA25 5QB Cleator Moor
01946 812288
The Crown
Bowthorn Rd
CA25 5JU Cleator Moor
01946 811335
Leconfield Street
CA25 5PX Cleator Moor
01946 812517

Premier: Wath Brow Shop
Ennerdale Road
CA25 5LP
01946 328120
React Engineering Ltd
2A Earl St
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 813778

Cleator Moor Post Office
CA25 5BT Cleator Moor
01946 810201
Cleator Moor Activity Centre
Off Wyndham Street
CA25 5AN Cleator Moor
01946 815100

Chattanooga Pizza Ltd
84 High St
CA25 5BL Cleator Moor
01946 815115
L D Mawson Plastering & Building
10 Mill Hill
CA25 5SH Cleator Moor Whitehaven
07543 364509

Cygnus Workspaces
Stirling Place, 22-24 High St
CA25 5LB Cleator Moor
01946 444220

Hidef Aerial Surveying Ltd
Phoenix Court, Earl Street
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 814463
Wilsons Willis Ltd
80 High St
CA25 5BL Cleator Moor
01946 810466

Scoffs Cafe
62 High St
CA25 5BN Cleator Moor
01946 810455
Prima Uno
33, Phoenix Court, Earl St
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 817209
Ann Morgan Opticians
CA25 5AH Cleator Moor
01946 810371

Cohens Chemist
Cleator Moor Health Centre
CA25 5HP Cleator Moor
01946 810373

AMS Heating & Plumbing
95, Ennerdale Rd
CA25 5LS Cleator Moor
01946 815158

Fellview Healthcare Ltd
Cleator Moor Health Centre, Birks Road
CA25 5HP Cleator Moor
01946 810427

Cleator Moor Auto & Body Repairs
Wyndham Street
CA25 5AN Cleator Moor
01946 811800

Wright Start Nursery
Ennerdale Rd
CA25 5LW Cleator Moor
01946 815548
Cleator Moor Upholstery
7 Old Brewery, Birks Rd
CA25 5LE Cleator Moor
01946 813452
Spice House
81 High Street
CA25 5BL Cleator Moor
01946 811500

Recruit Cumbria Ltd
Stirling Place, 22-24, High St
CA25 5LB Cleator Moor
01946 448765

Cleator Moor Town Council
CA25 5AP Cleator Moor
01946 810242
D Farrell
46, High Street
CA25 5LA Cleator Moor
01946 815541

79 High Street
CA255BL Cleator Moor
01946 811113

Montreal C Of E Primary School
87 Ennerdale Rd
CA25 5LW Cleator Moor
01946 811347

North Press
3-5 Jacktrees Rd, Phoenix House
CA25 5BD Cleator Moor
01946 372041

Rullion Engineering Ltd
65 High St
CA25 5BN Cleator Moor
01946 816640
Phoenix Enterprise Centre Community Interest Co
3-5 Jacktrees Rd, Phoenix House
CA25 5BD Cleator Moor
01946 813 555

Little Explorers Pre-School
16 Leconfield St
CA255QB Cleator Moor
01946 813111

6 Todholes Rd
CA25 5LU Cleator Moor
01946 812849

Canton Chef Cantonese
8-9 Ennerdale Rd
CA25 5LS Cleator Moor
01946 815567
Age UK West Cumbria
73A High Street
CA25 5BW Cleator Moor
01946 812267

Sproatys Chippy
123 Ennerdale Road
CA25 5LD Cleator Moor
01946 813786

Howgill Family Centre
Birks Road
CA25 5HR Cleator Moor
01946 817900

Birks Road
CA25 5HP Cleator Moor
01946 810372

Diagnostick Ltd
45 Bowthorn Rd
CA25 5JT Cleator Moor
01946 442011

S Brannan & Sons Ltd
Leconfield Industrial Estate
CA25 5QE Cleator Moor
01946 816600

Kirkland Carpets & Beds Centre
1 Ennerdale Rd
CA25 5LD Cleator Moor
01946 811874
Marras Sportswear
High St
CA25 5LA Cleator Moor
07516 038448

Aspava Pizza & Kebab
78 High Street
CA25 5BL Cleator Moor
01946 810622

CA25 5HY Cleator Moor
0122 982 3351

Card Shop and Newsagents
Jacktrees Road
CA25 5BD
01946 814317

Cleator Moor Community Shop
High Street
CA25 5AH
01946 814576
Brewery Yard Industrial Estate, Birks Road
CA25 5HU Cleator Moor
01946 811000

Jar of Hearts
55 High Street
CA25 5BQ Cleator Moor
01946 815765

Morleys Windows & Plastics
142 Bowthorn Rd
CA255jg Cleator Moor
07748 911792

H Routledge
High Street
CA25 5BQ
01946 810564

Leconfield Industrial Estate
CA25 5QB Cleator Moor
01946 813830

2 High Street
CA25 5AB Cleator Moor
01946 811456
Sawh Electronics
Unit 2,Phoenix Court
CA25 5PT Cleator Moor
01946 812784

The Crop Shop
CA25 5BW Cleator Moor
01946 812998
Pawesome Dog Training
Leconfield Ind Est, Unit 20a
CA25 5QB Cleator Moor
07955 501586

NuExec Recruitment
Phoenix Court, Earl Street, Phoenix Enterprise Centre
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 328081

Crossfield Garage Ltd
Leconfield Street
CA25 5QA Cleator Moor
01946 810431

Engineering Films & Media
3 Earl St
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 815814

Panda House
3 Bowthorn Rd
CA25 5JU Cleator Moor
01946 813119

Kebab House
43 High Street
CA25 5LA Cleator Moor
01946 328749

The Phoenix Youth Project
Cleator Moor Youth and Community Centre, Birks Road
CA25 5HP Cleator Moor
01946 814555

Saint Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Todholes Road
CA25 5DG Cleator Moor
01946 810513

Busy Scissors
148 Ennerdale Rd
CA25 5LQ Cleator Moor
01946 814911

A Adair Autos
1 Earl Street
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 813825

Capital Aluminium Extrusions
CA25 5QB Cleator Moor
01946 811 771

Cleator Moor & District Credit Union Ltd
Cleator Moor Council Centre, Market Square
CA25 5AP Cleator Moor
01946 817508
Low Mill Ranges
Low House
CA25 5RH Cleator Moor
01946 814769

Cosc Occupational and Social Care
CA25 5AP Cleator Moor
01946 815283
R Mills Funeral Services
156 Ennerdale Road
CA25 5LG Cleator Moor
01946 810356

Alan Dick Engineering
Unit 214, Leconfield Industrial Estate
CA25 5QB Cleator Moor
01946 811772

Civic Hall
Jacktrees Rd
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 810176
Cumbria Community Transport
Unit 6, Wyndham St
CA25 5AN Cleator Moor
01946 812777
Stuart Pringle Painting & Decorating
5 Weddicar Gardens
CA25 5JH Cleator Moor
01946 810494

Home To Work Ltd
CA25 5PT Cleator Moor
01946 814576

The Columba Club
Market Street
CA25 5AX Cleator Moor
01946 810476

CA25 5AA Cleator Moor
01946 813677

Home Group
CA25 5AU Cleator Moor
01946 811761

Wyndham Manor Care Home
Wyndham Street
CA25 5AN Cleator Moor
01946 810020
Cleator Moor Celtic F.C
CA25 5HR Cleator Moor
01946 817223

St Mary's Catholic Church
Trumpet Terrace
Cleator CA23 3AB
01946 810324

Ainfield Cycles
Jacktrees Road
CA23 3DW
01946 812427

Cleator Store
Main Street
CA23 3BX
01946 810038

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Cleator Moor (Little Ireland): Business Directory
Business Directory
A comprehensive list of businesses in the Cleator Moor area.
Cleator Moor (Little Ireland)
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